
Thursday, February 25, 2010

New Career Now 101

I am working on a website right now called

I am really excited to have it up and running and hope that you all check it out!

In the past seven years, I have felt stuck several times. Frustrated by my job in several ways: Feeling like I was okay at the work, but knowing that I was just doing it for the money. I was not in a career that was matched to my passions.

Most people want to change careers but are afraid too!

Few people take the leap to a new position or job. Why? Because it takes GUTS. It means that your livelihood will be uncertain for a few months. You may have to pay to go back to school to get the skills you need for the new job.

But it is always worth it to work in a job that you love. So go check out my site for more tips on choosing a career that you will love!

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